도암 갤러리
서울특별시 종로구 평창문화로 70
Sebben crudele (A.Caldara)
Giá, Il sole dal Gange (A.Scarlatti)
Torna a surriento (E.De Crutis)
Tu, ca nun chiagne (E.De Crutis)
청산에 살리라 (김연준)
박연폭포 (경기민요)
Una parola, o Adina (G.Donizetti)
-With Soprano
Opera L’eisir d’Amore (사랑의 묘약)
Recondita Armonia (G.Puccini)
Opera Tosca (토스카)
바로크를 노래하다
나폴리를 노래하다
내 나라를 노래하다
오페라를 노래하다
프로그램은 사정상 바뀔 수도 있습니다.
Mada & Hugh
Piano Duo
he Mada & Hugh Piano Duo, comprised of Romanian-born pianist Mădălina-Claudia Dănilă and Korean-American pianist Hugh Sung, stands at the forefront of innovative 4-hand piano performances. Their dynamic partnership has captivated audiences worldwide, earning them prestigious accolades, including first prize at the 2024 London International Competition and the 2023 Charleston International Competition, as well as second prize at the 2024 American International Competition. They are proud members of the Petrof Art Family, representing Petrof pianos in their performances.
ădălina-Claudia Dănilă, an internationally acclaimed concert pianist, has mesmerized audiences globally with her profound musical artistry and versatility. She has triumphed in numerous prestigious competitions, including the International Piano Competition in Vigo, Spain, and the Charleston 20th Century Music Competition. Recently, she was invited by world-renowned violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter to debut a solo piano recital at the Ruhr Klavierfestival in Germany, one of the most prestigious piano festivals in the world. Mădălina is currently pursuing her Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) in piano at Temple University, further honing her skills and expanding her academic achievements. As a dedicated piano teacher at Cunningham Music School, she imparts her extensive knowledge and skills to budding pianists, nurturing the next generation of musical talent.
ugh Sung is celebrated as one of the finest collaborative pianists of his generation. His distinguished career includes performances and recordings with renowned artists such as Aaron Rosand, Hilary Hahn, and Julius Baker. He has worked extensively with the Philadelphia and Baltimore Symphony Orchestras and served for 19 years at The Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia as Director of Student Recitals and Instrumental Accompaniment. Hugh co-founded AirTurn, a company revolutionizing digital sheet music with hands-free page-turning pedals, and joined ArtistWorks, where he teaches students worldwide through an innovative video exchange system. He currently serves as the Vice President of Cunningham Piano Company, representing Yamaha and Bösendorfer pianos.
ogether, Mădălina and Hugh bring a unique blend of classical mastery and modern innovation to their performances. Their repertoire spans from timeless classics to their own dazzling arrangements of popular tunes, thrilling audiences with their exceptional artistry and creativity. The Mada & Hugh Piano Duo continues to enchant listeners across the globe, establishing themselves as a formidable force in the world of piano duos. Their collaboration not only showcases their individual talents but also creates a synergy that elevates their performances to new heights.
이태리 안토니오 비발디 국립음악원 졸업
보체누오봐(마띠우치)아카데미 졸업.
피오렌쭈올라 아카데미졸업.
베르첼리 아카데미 수료
이탈리아 도니젯띠 아카데미 지휘과수료
고메츠 국제콩쿨1등,
브람스 국제콩쿨2등 각종대회수상
오페라 굴뚝소제부, 디도와 에네아스, 라 보엠,
돈빠스꽐레, 람메르무어의루치아, 봄봄,
사랑의묘약, 마술피리, 음악선생님,등 주역출연
이탈리아 레꼬시 초청 2인음악회,
파비아시초청 송년음악회 ,
한국성악회초청 10테너 초청콘서트,
러시아 국립교향악단협연,
뮤젠 오케스트라협연,
남양주시립 오케스트라 협연 등 수백회 연주.
KBS 열린음악회 MBC,SBS 등 방송출연
미국 프랑스 그리스 등 수십회 해외연주
강남대,명지대,여주대 성악과강사 역임
주)한샘 사내합창단 한울림 상임지휘자
예인교수앙상블 상임지휘자
용인 행복한 여성합창단 지휘자
로타리3650 더 코러스여성합창단 지휘자
서초문화원 청춘합창 지휘자
남성성악가 보헤미안싱어즈 단원
앙상블 포유 음악감독
뉴욕 클라식 뮤직쏘싸이어티 아시아 단원
1만원 이상의 도네이션